Add Graphical Environment with Xephyr Disp. Server to Raspberry Pi
Requirements: Ubuntu PC and Raspberry Board.
Install Xephyr in your Ubuntu PC:
$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr
Notice that my PC IP is, and Raspberry uses Obviously you have to adjust those to your values.
Check your IP here if you are using Ubuntu:
1.Open Xephyr
Launch Xephyr Server in your Ubuntu PC. Open a terminal and type:
$ Xephyr -ac -br -keybd ephyr,,,xkbmodel=pc105,xkblayout=es -noreset -screen 1280x720 :1
You can change the value 1280x720 to: 640x489, 1280x720, 1366x768, ...
2.Connect to Raspberry
Open a terminal in Ubuntu PC and type:
$ ssh -X pi@
3.Export Raspberry Display
In the terminal that you are connected to Raspberry, type:
$ export DISPLAY=
You just tell that DISPLAY should be run to the remote machine with the IP (my PC IP is and DISPLAY :1 which is the Xephyr Session. GNOME’s display should be :0, and is used.
4.Run XServer
In ssh terminal, that you are connected to Raspberry, try to run your graphical environment. I have a default LXDE.
$ startlxde
Another option for steps 2, 3 and 4
Instead of the points 2 and 3, in Ubuntu PC:
$ DISPLAY=:1 ssh -Y pi@
Then continue with step 4, in ssh terminal connected to Raspberry Pi:
$ startlxde
Start with Xephyr Display Server: