Starting with OpenCL on Parallella Board
Note: All next steps should be done on Parallella Board.
STDCL® is a portable API for targeting compute offload accelertors and co-processors. STDCL is designed in a style inspired by familiar and traditional UNIX APIs for C programming. The implementation of STDCL leverages OpenCL™ to provide broad portability across modern accelerator and co-processor architectures.
STDCL provides the following features and support:
- Default compute contexts.
- Dynamic loader for compute-offload programs.
- Distributed memory management.
- Compute offload kernel execution.
- Synchronization.
More info:
Create folder
Go to the projects folder with "cd", or create it with "mkdir".
Into the projects folder:
Create a folder:
$ mkdir matvecmult
Host code
Create the file "matvecmult_host.c":
$ sudo nano matvecmult_host.c
and write:
/* matvecmult_host.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdcl.h>
inline int parity( int x ) { return ( (x%2)? +1 : -1 ); }
int main()
int i,j;
unsigned int n = 1024;
/* allocate device-shareable memory */
float* aa = (float*)clmalloc(stdacc,n*n*sizeof(float),0);
float* b = (float*)clmalloc(stdacc,n*sizeof(float),0);
float* c = (float*)clmalloc(stdacc,n*sizeof(float),0);
/* initialize matrix aa[] and vector b[], and zero result vector c[] */
for(i=0; i < n; i++) for(j=0; j < n; j++) aa[i*n+j] = (1.0/n/n)*i*j*parity(i*j);
for(i=0; i < n; i++) b[i] = (1.0/n)*i*parity(i);
for(i=0; i < n; i++) c[i] = 0.0f;
/* sync data with device memory */
/* perform calculation */
clndrange_t ndr = clndrange_init1d( 0, n, 16 );
/* sync data with host memory */
/* block until co-processor is done */
for(i=0; i < n; i++) printf("%d %f %f\n",i,b[i],c[i]);
Then save and exit.
Kernel code
Create the file "":
$ sudo nano
and write:
/* */
#include <stdcl.h>
void matvecmult_kern( unsigned int n, float* aa, float* b, float* c )
int i,j;
i = get_global_id(0);
float tmp = 0.0f;
for(j=0; j < n; j++) tmp += aa[i*n+j] * b[j];
c[i] = tmp;
Then save and exit.
Program Compilation
Using the COPRTHR clcc compiler tools, building the program is easy and follows a standard compilation model. The kernel code is first compiled using clcc and then the host program can be compiled with the kernel code being directly linked to create a single executable program.
$ clcc -k -c
$ gcc -o matvecmult.x matvecmult_host.c matvecmult_kern.o -I/usr/local/browndeer/include \
-L/usr/local/browndeer/lib -lstdcl -locl
We can verify that the kernel code is linked in using the clnm command:
$ clnm matvecmult.x
The last command should shows:
clnm: 'matvecmult_kern.c' bin [coprthr:ARMv7]
clnm: 'matvecmult_kern.c' bin [coprthr:E16G Needham]
clnm: 'matvecmult_kern.c' ksym matvecmult_kern
clnm: 'matvecmult_kern.c' src [<generic>]
We can then run the program that offloads the parallel computation to the Epiphany co-processor:
$ ./matvecmult.x