Dennis Núñez

M.Sc. in Digital Sciences with focus in AI. Université Paris Cite

Image processing using CUDA and OpenCV on Linux

This code depends on:

- G++.

- OpenCV 2.3+.

- CUDA 4.0+ sdk.

This code should work on any Unix like system (Mac OS X and Linux) as long as you have the nvcc compiler and g++ compiler in your binary path and OpenCV 2.3 installed in a place with default paths (/usr on Ubuntu, /usr/local on a Mac).


Create the file

// // Created by Nathaniel Lewis on 3/8/12. // Copyright (c) 2012 E1FTW Games. All rights reserved. // #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> // GPU constant memory to hold our kernels (extremely fast access time) __constant__ float convolutionKernelStore[256]; /** * Convolution function for cuda. Destination is expected to have the same width/height as source, but there will be a border * of floor(kWidth/2) pixels left and right and floor(kHeight/2) pixels top and bottom * * @param source Source image host pinned memory pointer * @param width Source image width * @param height Source image height * @param paddingX source image padding along x * @param paddingY source image padding along y * @param kOffset offset into kernel store constant memory * @param kWidth kernel width * @param kHeight kernel height * @param destination Destination image host pinned memory pointer */ __global__ void convolve(unsigned char *source, int width, int height, int paddingX, int paddingY, ssize_t kOffset, int kWidth, int kHeight, unsigned char *destination) { // Calculate our pixel's location int x = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; int y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y; float sum = 0.0; int pWidth = kWidth/2; int pHeight = kHeight/2; // Only execute for valid pixels if(x >= pWidth+paddingX && y >= pHeight+paddingY && x < (blockDim.x * gridDim.x)-pWidth-paddingX && y < (blockDim.y * gridDim.y)-pHeight-paddingY) { for(int j = -pHeight; j <= pHeight; j++) { for(int i = -pWidth; i <= pWidth; i++) { // Sample the weight for this location int ki = (i+pWidth); int kj = (j+pHeight); float w = convolutionKernelStore[(kj * kWidth) + ki + kOffset]; sum += w * float(source[((y+j) * width) + (x+i)]); } } } // Average the sum destination[(y * width) + x] = (unsigned char) sum; } // converts the pythagoran theorem along a vector on the GPU __global__ void pythagoras(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *c) { int idx = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; float af = float(a[idx]); float bf = float(b[idx]); c[idx] = (unsigned char) sqrtf(af*af + bf*bf); } // create an image buffer. return host ptr, pass out device pointer through pointer to pointer unsigned char* createImageBuffer(unsigned int bytes, unsigned char **devicePtr) { unsigned char *ptr = NULL; cudaSetDeviceFlags(cudaDeviceMapHost); cudaHostAlloc(&ptr, bytes, cudaHostAllocMapped); cudaHostGetDevicePointer(devicePtr, ptr, 0); return ptr; } int main (int argc, char** argv) { // Open a webcamera cv::VideoCapture camera(0); cv::Mat frame; if(!camera.isOpened()) return -1; // Create the capture windows cv::namedWindow("Source"); cv::namedWindow("Greyscale"); cv::namedWindow("Blurred"); cv::namedWindow("Sobel"); // Create the cuda event timers cudaEvent_t start, stop; cudaEventCreate(&start); cudaEventCreate(&stop); // Create the gaussian kernel (sum = 159) const float gaussianKernel5x5[25] = { 2.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 5.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 2.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 9.f/159.f, 12.f/159.f, 9.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 5.f/159.f, 12.f/159.f, 15.f/159.f, 12.f/159.f, 5.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 9.f/159.f, 12.f/159.f, 9.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 2.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 5.f/159.f, 4.f/159.f, 2.f/159.f, }; cudaMemcpyToSymbol(convolutionKernelStore, gaussianKernel5x5, sizeof(gaussianKernel5x5), 0); const ssize_t gaussianKernel5x5Offset = 0; // Sobel gradient kernels const float sobelGradientX[9] = { -1.f, 0.f, 1.f, -2.f, 0.f, 2.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f, }; const float sobelGradientY[9] = { 1.f, 2.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, -2.f, -1.f, }; cudaMemcpyToSymbol(convolutionKernelStore, sobelGradientX, sizeof(sobelGradientX), sizeof(gaussianKernel5x5)); cudaMemcpyToSymbol(convolutionKernelStore, sobelGradientY, sizeof(sobelGradientY), sizeof(gaussianKernel5x5) + sizeof(sobelGradientX)); const ssize_t sobelGradientXOffset = sizeof(gaussianKernel5x5)/sizeof(float); const ssize_t sobelGradientYOffset = sizeof(sobelGradientX)/sizeof(float) + sobelGradientXOffset; // Create CPU/GPU shared images - one for the initial and one for the result camera >> frame; unsigned char *sourceDataDevice, *blurredDataDevice, *edgesDataDevice; cv::Mat source (frame.size(), CV_8U, createImageBuffer(frame.size().width * frame.size().height, &sourceDataDevice)); cv::Mat blurred (frame.size(), CV_8U, createImageBuffer(frame.size().width * frame.size().height, &blurredDataDevice)); cv::Mat edges (frame.size(), CV_8U, createImageBuffer(frame.size().width * frame.size().height, &edgesDataDevice)); // Create two temporary images (for holding sobel gradients) unsigned char *deviceGradientX, *deviceGradientY; cudaMalloc(&deviceGradientX, frame.size().width * frame.size().height); cudaMalloc(&deviceGradientY, frame.size().width * frame.size().height); // Loop while capturing images while(1) { // Capture the image and store a gray conversion to the gpu camera >> frame; cv::cvtColor(frame, source, CV_BGR2GRAY); // Record the time it takes to process cudaEventRecord(start); { // convolution kernel launch parameters dim3 cblocks (frame.size().width / 16, frame.size().height / 16); dim3 cthreads(16, 16); // pythagoran kernel launch paramters dim3 pblocks (frame.size().width * frame.size().height / 256); dim3 pthreads(256, 1); // Perform the gaussian blur (first kernel in store @ 0) convolve<<<cblocks,cthreads>>>(sourceDataDevice, frame.size().width, frame.size().height, 0, 0, gaussianKernel5x5Offset, 5, 5, blurredDataDevice); // Perform the sobel gradient convolutions (x&y padding is now 2 because there is a border of 2 around a 5x5 gaussian filtered image) convolve<<<cblocks,cthreads>>>(blurredDataDevice, frame.size().width, frame.size().height, 2, 2, sobelGradientXOffset, 3, 3, deviceGradientX); convolve<<<cblocks,cthreads>>>(blurredDataDevice, frame.size().width, frame.size().height, 2, 2, sobelGradientYOffset, 3, 3, deviceGradientY); pythagoras<<<pblocks,pthreads>>>(deviceGradientX, deviceGradientY, edgesDataDevice); cudaThreadSynchronize(); } cudaEventRecord(stop); // Display the elapsed time float ms = 0.0f; cudaEventSynchronize(stop); cudaEventElapsedTime(&ms, start, stop); std::cout << "Elapsed GPU time: " << ms << " milliseconds" << std::endl; // Show the results cv::imshow("Source", frame); cv::imshow("Greyscale", source); cv::imshow("Blurred", blurred); cv::imshow("Sobel", edges); // Spin if(cv::waitKey(1) == 27) break; } // Exit cudaFreeHost(; cudaFreeHost(; cudaFreeHost(; cudaFree(deviceGradientX); cudaFree(deviceGradientY); return 0; }

Compiling and executing

Create the file Makefile:

CUDACC=nvcc RM=rm -rf OBJECTS=$( LDFLAGS=-lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgproc .SUFFIXES: .cu .o all: imgproc imgproc: $(OBJECTS) $(CUDACC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o imgproc clean: $(RM) *.o imgproc .cu.o: $(CUDACC) $< -c -o $@

Then, compile:

$ make

Finally, run:

$ ./imgproc

The last command should show: